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How SEO Can Help Us In Our Daily Work?

SEO stands for search engine optimisation just a way to help your website easily crawl, index and understand your connect. It helps to rank your site in organic results in all search engines like google, Bing stuff like that. 
Many webmasters who learn SEO or use it in their work must have thought what is its daily use like physics, mathematics, biology. 
They also think it has no use in daily life. However, it's not true. It has some uses. 

Normal people who don't know SEO must have done conversations on Google search, websites such as how does google search works, how to make a website with their friends, family. But they don't have the answers. They just come with ideal questions. So, what if you know about SEO? Obviously, you will clear their doubts. In addition, you can tell your friends, family about google search, SEO in simple terms and help them understand it which will be a new subject for them. That way, people next to you will proud of you. They will think you are smart. In fact, I do the same. When my friends ask me about search I help them to understand. 
If you understand SEO, you can tell about it in public speeches and inspire students to learn.
Apart from this, I don't think it has any uses. Because it's not the same as mathematics. Even if whatever I said you can use it. 
